Project Captivate
The global reach for Lord Abbett continues to grow - so do the needs of investors and advisors. To keep 
up their rapid growth, Lord Abbett needed a design system that can grow and support their digital ecosystem through the ever shifting market.
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Two Bulls; NY
2019 - 2021
Lord Abbett
Lead Designer + Strategist
Our Users. Our Backbone
Lord Abbett has a wide array of customers all of the world all with their our distinct set of needs. We pushed in to understand 
these audiences and their needs from all of these digital touchpoints.

With all that research and understanding, we kept one question front-of-mind how do you craft a system that supports a myriad of distinct experiences while ensuring they exist harmoniously?
Finance - the Language
The language of finance can be messy to say the least - large number, complex calculations, and shifting markets controlled by Reddit. 
The market moves quick and users don’t want to wade through noise to understand how their investments are fairing.

We set forth to build out experiences that effectively communicate to the user in a quick, clear and coherent manner.
Giving Voice to Culture
One of the big challenges with designing for Lord Abbett is the product you buy is not physical. It’s an investment with Lord Abbett and with their philosophy, their approach, and their people.

We made sure to find ways to seamlessly thread what Lord Abbett stands for through the entire experience.
Starting a System for Scale
Modernization. Adaptability. Cohesion are the three core principles 
of the Captivate system.

We aimed to help elevate the future of all of Lord Abbett’s digital touch points by keeping the whole system nimble and fluid, at the same time ensuring that it resonated distinctly Lord Abbett.
Lord Abbett launched the first site built with the Captivate Design System in February 2021. The site has seen an rapid increase in outreach to the sales desk from their Institutional audience.

The new backend site is helping Lord Abbett react quicker and 
keep in regular contact with their users - in an uncertain world and a turbulent market.
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